1. I think I've improved: my writting, putting the captions for pictures, by using more links, and by sometimes even putting videos.
2. Blogs can be very useful because they can provide new information, they can keep you up-to-date, they can be useful for videos/links, you can check if you have missed anything in class...
3. A blog can also be used for a personal online diary.
4. Blogging has helped my overall writing because most of the time it does not have spell-check, so it forces me to read over the material and I can see the mistakes I've maken, it can also help you writing because of other people's comments (in case you've misspelt a word, then they can correct you)...
5. Blogging has helped my commenting to others about their writing because, it helped me look for mistakes in their writing, and I could then easily help/correct them.
6. The most important thing I learned about blogging, except for all of the information, is that it helps a lot with grammar, punctuation...and it helped me to learn how to revise my work, as well as others.
I like your comments here in the Reflection Post Courtney. I would agree that this project has helped you with proofing your work and with utilizing media more effectively. I like the incorporation of the picture above as well. Nice job! ~Ms. D.