The purpose to the lab was:
What does a graph look like when an object is accelerating?
Under that we had to have the IV and DV, which were:
DV: Graph
IV: Object accelerating
Then we went outside to practice with the timers, and then test. Our data was recorded down on three different tables: one for the ping pong ball, one for the tennis ball, and one for the soccer ball. Everyone in the class had a different position at one, two, three, etc. meters, all the way to 12 or 13. I was at one meter (that's why I'm not sure how many positions there were), which was really hard because I had to have little mistakes and be almost exactly on the right times of when the ball started and then reached my point. For each ball, we did three tests just in case of a mistake with the timer, which was surely going to happen. Then under the three trial spots, we had to calculate the average, but we did that when we were done testing and back in class.
Then under the data tables, we answered the purpose question individually, and then discussed it as a class. We concluded that the graph would have a positive correlation because as the time increases, the objects speed also increases.
Then we did a sample calculation, and here is an example of one.
S=0.83 repeated
And at the end, we had to glue in the small, bottom of the lab page, homework sheet, that we're probably going to talk about next class after we finish the class wide table. It's not homework yet, so don't worry about it now.
That is what we did during Tuesdays class, and the next scribe is Jakub!
Here is a link to moodle: http://zagreb.ceesa.net/