We began Tuesday's science class with a nice discussion about the blog, but we were first introduced to a new student in our class Eric. After this, we talked about the blog, in particular, about when the comments and blog posts are due. Ms. D gave us a rubric on the comments and post, so that we can write the comments based on the rubric. This was a very quick discussion, so we very quickly started building with K’nex. The rest of the class we built, and finished the rest of other K’nex projects, the one’s that we didn’t get to finish last class. We all had a great time! 5 minutes before we were let out Ms. D told us to clean up, and she told us “feet up”, in case there were some K’nex pieces on the ground.* If any team left any pieces on the ground then they could lose a point.
~There were two teams of six people, but because we have a new student in our class, Eric, we now have one team of six and one team of seven.
Team of six
~Courtney (me) ~Valentina ~Karin ~Chiara ~David ~Jakub
Team of seven
~Tamara ~Emilija ~Ghazaleh ~Davide ~Ben ~Nathan ~Eric
~Since I didn’t mention this before, each team needs to have 35 points to be able to build the compound machine, which is a machine that contains all of the simple machines that we learned about= lever, screws, wheel and axle, wedge, pulley, inclined plane.
Thursday's class
First we talked about simple machines, including the
compound machine. If we finished all of the simple machines, we would be able to start the compound machine this Thursday (April, 21, 2011). This was a very short discussion which didn't last long because we wanted to work on building the simple machines. Before we started building, Ms. D gave us a few tips about blogging, and the Reflection post, and then we started building!!
A few teammates testing out their machine
Friday's short block...
On Friday we were very busy, since
we didn't have much time to build.
Ms. D. gave us a few instructions
about the blog and the compound
machine, and then we all started
This picture is the 'Cookie Monster
team', the other team's picture is the
first picture on this blog.
This picture is of Karin and I
(Courtney) waiting in line to
answer questions for Ms. D.