We began Tuesday's science class with a nice discussion about the blog, but we were first introduced to a new student in our class Eric. After this, we talked about the blog, in particular, about when the comments and blog posts are due. Ms. D gave us a rubric on the comments and post, so that we can write the comments based on the rubric. This was a very quick discussion, so we very quickly started building with K’nex. The rest of the class we built, and finished the rest of other K’nex projects, the one’s that we didn’t get to finish last class. We all had a great time! 5 minutes before we were let out Ms. D told us to clean up, and she told us “feet up”, in case there were some K’nex pieces on the ground.* If any team left any pieces on the ground then they could lose a point.
~There were two teams of six people, but because we have a new student in our class, Eric, we now have one team of six and one team of seven.
Team of six
~Courtney (me) ~Valentina ~Karin ~Chiara ~David ~Jakub
Team of seven
~Tamara ~Emilija ~Ghazaleh ~Davide ~Ben ~Nathan ~Eric
~Since I didn’t mention this before, each team needs to have 35 points to be able to build the compound machine, which is a machine that contains all of the simple machines that we learned about= lever, screws, wheel and axle, wedge, pulley, inclined plane.
Thursday's class
First we talked about simple machines, including the
compound machine. If we finished all of the simple machines, we would be able to start the compound machine this Thursday (April, 21, 2011). This was a very short discussion which didn't last long because we wanted to work on building the simple machines. Before we started building, Ms. D gave us a few tips about blogging, and the Reflection post, and then we started building!!
A few teammates testing out their machine
Friday's short block...
On Friday we were very busy, since
we didn't have much time to build.
Ms. D. gave us a few instructions
about the blog and the compound
machine, and then we all started
This picture is the 'Cookie Monster
team', the other team's picture is the
first picture on this blog.
This picture is of Karin and I
(Courtney) waiting in line to
answer questions for Ms. D.
*Sorry about the font and the colors, for some reason my computer would not let me change them.
ReplyDeleteHi Courtney!
ReplyDeleteThis post is much better than before! You had pictures, a link to Moodle(although you could have another one...), and pretty good detail about what you did in class. I understand that the color and font won't change; I recommend NOT using Google Chrome as a web browser when posting to Blogger! You were missing captions to two of your pictures, as well as the date in your title. Your science is good, although you could have explained how (and if) the blogging requirements were different for this quarter. I like that you explained what the big compound machine is and what it consists of! All in all, a big improvement! :)
Courtney - Thanks for your note at the end of the post about the colors issue. In the future you should talk with me before publishing and we can fix the post the way you want it. This post looks good, but you have some spacing errors and some of the information is incomplete. Keep in mind that we are making simple machines - 35 credits worth - to be able to create a compound machine. This gets lost in your explanation. I do think you could have explained the simple machines better and what a compound machine is. Plus, you have linked to Moodle, but nowhere else and there is a K'nex website that could have been an excellent addition. Finally, for this post you needed to include a real-life relationship - this is the new section for this quarter and I do not see it here. Be sure to follow all requirements of the rubric. Nice work on spelling and grammar throughout. Overall, not bad! ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHi Courtney,
ReplyDeleteYou had visible improvements on the blog post. You could give the actual name of the two teams, but a least you put the teams name. I liked the fact that you mention the new student in our class, (Eric). I don't understand this sentence in particular: A few teammates testing out their machine. You could include more links, not just Moodle. I didn’t find a lot of since in your post, and you could have explain better what we were doing, because for me that I am in your class I would understand that; however, if I was in another grade I wouldn’t understand that. I liked the fact that you included picture of our class, while working on the project. But for next time a bit of more science. Overall nice post.
Hey Courtney
ReplyDeleteI think you did a very good job on your blog and you improved from the last time which you blogged. I like the idea that you used real life pictures meaning you took pictures and put on use them on your blog. I think you also did great job on saying what we did in the class and what happened, but I think you could maybe in cloud what were some of the questions that Ms.D asked us. I also like that you put the group names and who were the people in the group and how many people is in our group and their names. But I think next time you should use more scientific vocabulary because I don’t think that you had scientific vocabulary, and next put more link not only Moodel.
I liked that you included me. I also liked that you added pictures to show what we were doing in the classroom. You can see that you did your best. Another thing you mentioned the teams so that people see who is on each team. You forgot to mention our team though. You did a really good job. You left some spaces between each line. Thanks for including even though i don't know you that well.
ReplyDeleteHey Courtney!
ReplyDeleteIt's a very nice post of yours! Just like Ghazaleh said in her comment, you DID imporve from your last post, which is great! You have many pictures of us working on the K'nex and I like that you put the pictures of both of the groups, not only of your group, though I hate the pictures of me!!! :P I also like the idea that you said something about Eric "the new student", but next time, write something about simple machines! But, I still really like your post!!! Great job!
TamarA Hey Courtney!
It's a very nice post of yours! Just like Ghazaleh said in her comment, you DID imporve from your last post, which is great! You have many pictures of us working on the K'nex and I like that you put the pictures of both of the groups, not only of your group, though I hate the pictures of me!!! :P I also like the idea that you said something about Eric "the new student", but next time, write something about simple machines! But, I still really like your post!!! Great job!
OOOPSIS! Sorry, I accidently posted my comment twice!!! :(
ReplyDeleteHi Courtney!
ReplyDeleteThat was a really nice blog post! I liked the pictures because not always do people actually have the class pictures, and in this way you could understand better what we were building. I also found it good that you added a link to moodle, even though you could have hyperlinked it, and you should have added another link according to the directions! Also, I noticed you did not have many scientific parts in this blog, for example, you could have added some information on the simple machines themselves and written how they work! I also noticed you did not have a real-life example, which is another key requirement, you could have written about how the simple machines (and which of them) are useful in daily life and for what, or described how some people actually do what we are doing but on real products to make these simple machines work! I did like though that you included both teams and you explained about the 35 point, although you could have written how many points each team had at that point in the game, so that whoever had missed the class knew how much progress their team had made! Overall tough really good post!
Hi Courtney!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! First off with the good things in your post: You had great font(even though it supposedly didn't work out it looked great), you had good labels at the end of your post, the pictures were really good(especially since you included pictures of people interacting during the class and not just pictures from the internet), you had good grammar and great spelling, you hyperlinked your website, you included Eric, you had excitement and felling in the post, you were thorough, and had good detail. Things that you could improve: Put more than only one website, add real-life examples, talk more about the "Evil Elves", you could have more explanation on the Compound machine, you forgot to put gears while listing the simple machines, you didn't use a lot of scientific terms. Overall, your science was OK, even though a few more words on what the simple machines do and some examples in real life would have made your post better. Though, great improvement from last year!
Hello Courtney,
ReplyDeleteYour first post of the 4th quarter was great! I liked that you used pictures that were taken from Ms.D in the class, but you also could've added some pictures of cool machines from the internet. Your labels look good, but you could've added captions below your pictures (eventhough you did had one picture citated). Your font was good and readibly eventhough you said that it didn't work out. Your spelling and grammar looked good (to me). You hyperlinked the website, you included our new student, Eric, and most important, you had really good detail. There were things that you could improve for next year though. Things like: put a real-life example, explain more/talk more about the compoud machine, a BIG mistake was that you forgot gears (the hardest part) while listing the simple machines, have more than one website, talk about both of the teams more, and your science wasn't really good (put more scientific terms). You could've talked about the simple machines more and what they do and some examples from real-life on the simple machines (for example: example of a gear - clock). Your post was better and longer,which is good, than the last three quarters and overall it was better. Great work and keep it up!
I liked a lot your blog but you didn't use that many scientific words. Your biggest mistake you forgot gears. you could have explained them a little bit. Great job.
ReplyDeleteHey Court,
ReplyDeleteI liked this post but it was quite short, and as Eric said it did not include very much scientific vocabulary. I also think that you could have included more links to videos or websites. But I liked the pictures you put on and that you put captions next to them. although you did not put a caption next to the first, second or third. I liked that you hpyerlinked the link, but I think that it would have made the blog post look nicer if you added some color. I also liked the fact that you put specifically what happened each class, and that you mentioned Eric (very important). In general it was a good post. Nice Work!