Neo Earth

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thursday and Friday's Science Class

Hey Everyone!
On Thursday's class we began by Ms. D checking over our Homework which was Acceleration Practice 2. It consisted of 8 math problems where we had to find either acceleration, velocity, or the time. Here is the link to Moodle for Acceleration Practice 2 for anybody who was absent:
The answers for Acceleration Practice 2 are as follows:
1. A= 0.02 m/s/s
2. A= -67 m/min/min
3. A= 1.56 cm/s/s
4. A= -38,733.33 km/h/h
5. A= 156,250 km/h/h
6. T= 1.43 s
7. Vf= -2.21 km/min
8. s=7.57 m/s, T= 2.05 s

After checking the homework, we began working on our Acceleration lab with the three different balls. We could choose to either put all three ball's data on one graph, or three individual graphs. Remember if you're doing only one graph to make three different colors for the balls. This is what an acceleration graph would look like:
This graph is showing acceleration of an object free-falling. For more information on acceleration, check out this website with additional information on acceleration and other types of motion we've been working on.
Our only homework for Thursday was to study for the quiz we had last science class (Friday). Here is a link to a video on almost everything that we covered in motion.
Friday's Class

During Friday's science class we didn't do too much because we were taking the quiz on everything we learned on motion. The quiz grades should be on Powerschool for you to check your grade. After finishing the quiz our only task was to work on the graph(s) for the Acceleration lab with the ping pong ball, soccer ball, and the tennis ball.
1. Finish plotting all the data on your graph(s). Don't connect the dots because we will be doing that during Tuesday's class.
2. Our fourth blog comment is due on Friday, December 10, by 16:00. Remember that we have to have 3 comments on the eighth grade blog and 4 on our seventh grade blog minimum.

We watched some videos in class on Thursday. The songs are by "They Might Be Giants". The first one is more about motion and the second video is kind of relative, its about the elements.

The next scriber is....... DAVIDE!


  1. Hey Ben,
    Overall this is really a great post, I liked that you listed the homework, that you included the answers for the homework due and that you included all the links that you went over during class, and that you made good use of scientific vocabulary. Although there are some things you could have improved, like the colour of the font, that was kind of monotonous, you could have used more bullet points to facilitate the reading. One more thing, you could have revised the last links you wrote, on which anyone can't directly click, and you could have made that better.Except for these mistakes, really nice post.


  2. Hi Ben,
    I think that this is a great post! You had good colors, a good picture, and good videos. Some things you could have improved are trying ty hyperlink the links, you could've made the picture bigger or added another one, and not have different colors for different links; it was confusing. Other than that, I think that this is a great post that covered everything in detail. Great job!

  3. Wow, Ben!!!!!! This is a very good post!!! You have everything you need: link, picture, answers, details, "homework"! The only two things you could change is the color - kind of hard to read; and put more pictures, which are "normal-sized". Because what you put on your blog, the graph (which you cant really see), is boring. Put the pictures of people working in class, for example, or... I don't know. Just put more pictures!
    But, it is still a very good post.

  4. Great work Ben,
    I really liked that you described both what you did Friday, and what you did Thursday, I think that it was a good idea to put so many links, because links always help. It was also a very good idea to put all the answers to the other homework, and to give the information for the new homework. I think the color was kind of confusing to read, that makes the reader less interested, but that the picture was good, because it showed how acceleration worked, even though you could have added others. I think it was good that you said what you did during Thursday's class, but I think that you should have put more information and that maybe, you could have made the statement to remember to do the graph in three different colors if all on one paper, bigger. Except for that great work!

  5. Hi Ben
    i really liked your post. You inclued everything we did in the class. The thing I really liked about your post is you put the answer to the questions, and that helps people that were absent that day. but i also think that you should put more pictures.

  6. Hy Ben!
    I think this is avery good post. You had good vodeos and pictures, but is a litle hard to get to the videos, because they aren't really links I liked that you had the answer for the homework. you could have just some more color. However it is a really good post.

  7. Hey Ben!
    Overall this is a good post. You included helpful pictures, links, and the homework which were great. I also liked how you put the answers to the assignment. But you could have put maybe one more picture and different colors to make the post look more interesting.

  8. Ben - Nice work on your first Scribe Post for science class. You have great spelling, grammar and font choice. I do think the colors could have been varied a bit more to make things stand out to the reader - the purple and green was a bit overwhelming after a while. You graph looks good, although it is showing speed, not acceleration (watch units on axes). And I love that you have included some many helpful and useful links. BUT, you need to hyperlink them to make them more accessible to your reader; making them cut and paste does not make them easy to use and see. You have included most of the science in a general way, and I think you could have included more depth about the lab and what the graph is showing (slope, speed change over time, etc.). Overall, this is a great first blog post. Nice job! ~Ms. D.

  9. Hi there Ben!
    Great first post! I really liked how you included everything that we did in class, since it was easy to read and really thorough. You had many links, but you forgot to hyperlink some of them, so I couldn't see them. Your font was great, and you had no grammatical errors. Your spelling looks great! I think you should have added and varied the colors, since it looks a bit dull. Your science is great, even though you could have added a bit more about what we worked on. I liked that you put the meaning of acceleration, and I liked that you put the answers to the previous homework we had. Your summary of Friday was accurate, and your post reminded me of what we did in class, so it was really helpful. You put the correct homework assigments, and I like that you put numbers in front of them, since it looks neater and is easier to read. You could have added a few more pictures, to make your post more interesting. Overall, though, great first post!

