Hello every body!!! I am going to talk about
the Science class that we did on Tuesday!! First!!!! We got back the quizzes and labs.
We started talking about different type forces (Unbalanced and balanced). Different type of friction and made 3 different forces diagram. There are two different type of forces, Unbalanced-force and balanced force. We also played the game with a cord, that a sort of people on one side and another from other side pushing. and more people were from one side and more force they had, less people pushing from the other side and less force they had. Then we came back and draw three force diagram we draw our self on a line. Then all the type of friction, and explained how Gravity act on an object moving. And what friction depend on??? Good question. First one thing THERE IS ALL-WAYS FRICTION every where you go, every thing you do there is friction. You make friction just sliding your hand each other,
Softly= less friction
Harder pushing= more friction
There are also many types of friction for example;
- The static friction (The biggest type of eve),
- Sliding,
- rolling,
- liquid and gas.
The balanced force is the equal forces a
cting on one object in opposite direction, like the picture below.

The unbalanced force is in motion an it push in two different direction, when the forces can't be equal like the picture below.

Friction: the force that two surface exert on each other when they rub against each other.

Static friction: the acts on object that are moving.
Sliding friction: Is when two solid surface slide over each other.

Rolling friction: Is when an object roll across a surface.
Fluid friction: Is when a solid object moves through a fluid.
Gravity: Is a force that pulls objects toward each other.

For home work you need to make three different force diagram, 1 stationary, and two moving. Remember always show where motion goes!!!!
Some link mite help you:
Nest scribe is............Valentina(Vale)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Chiara,
ReplyDeleteI liked your post, there were lots of pictures and you had two links! Good job! It was really long, which was a bit dificult, but wasn't too long with the writing part. I liked the fact that you explained the pictures you put, and you told us the motion on the object, in different picture you explained gravity, fluid friction, rolling friction...I am just giving you a tip for next time, you should use more scientific vocabulary, and you should write more in general. It was good, and you should keep up the good work!
:) Court
Hi Chiara!
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post with color and discription of what we did. You included great pictures, but the see-saw picture doesn't really go with balanced forces, it should be under unbalanced forces. You may want to check your grammar, and fix many of the sentences because they don't make sense. For example, when you said, "We also played the game with a cord, that a sort of people on one side and another from other side pushing. and more people were from one side and more force they had, less people pushing from the other side and less force they had.", It didn't really make sense. The only way I understood what you were talking about is because I was there. You could switch "we played a game with a cord" to "we played tug-of-war". Also, we weren't pushing the rope, we were pulling. After that sentence, you could have explained that that was an unbalanced force. There are a couple more errors in typing and sentence that I think you should revise. One last thing, you should add "Friction" to your labels, and after each individual label, you need to put a comma. Right now, it's all one sentence/label. It's an O.K. post, but it needs some checking.
(A smiley face is now my signature for all my comments I make...saying this to everyone)
Hi Maria Chiara! This is a good post because it has great pictures, captions, and colors. You could've more about balanced and unbalanced forces, and you should definitely check your grammar! Also, as Nate said, your labels are all as one; right now, "Science Scribe Post Chiara Tuesday class" is one label, but it should be "Science", "Scribe Post", "Chiara", and "Tuesday class" although I don't think that you need to have "science" as a label because this is obviously a science class blog. Other than that, I really liked the pictures and captions and overall it was a good post! Nice job!
ReplyDeleteHey Chiara...
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good post! You had tons of pictures,links, and colors. There were more than few grammar and spelling mistakes that you should fix. Also your labels are kinda messed up. Like Nate said, you could have worded tug of war better than pulling on a cord. There was a lot of scientific vocabulary but not so much where it didn't sound like you. So good job balancing the word choice! You could have gone into further explanation of the friction types and maybe a more relevant picture for the static friction. One last thing, I'm not sure what"Eve" is from when you were talking about static friction at first. Please explain it.
Cool post,
Chiara - good job on your first Scribe Post of the year. You have used s good sized and colored font. But please before you publish your final post, spell check and grammar check your work. You have many errors here that could have been avoided if you used that. I do like you have used pictures to explain about the different types of friction, but parts of your explanations are incomplete or confusing. Your explanation of tug-of-war is confusing as well, next time please ask for help in what the game is called. I like that you have two links - Khan Academy and Moodle. In the future please hyperlink the links so your reader can get to them easier. You have covered much of what we did, but not enough on the force diagrams, which was the major focus of this class. You should have examples or something of them and an explanation. So this is a good first post, but there is room for improvement on your next one. ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHey Chiara! The first thing I noticed were the spelling and grammer mistakes. There were quite a few and it deducts from the overall presentation of the scribe post, so maybe next time be more careful and do a check when you finish. Sometimes it was hard to understand what you were trying to explain. For example the cord game (which I now know was tug of war from reading the comments), you could have said better. On the other hand, the pictures and information about friction were very good. Anyone that wasn't there (like me) would mostly understand the topic. Also, the links were great to put in. Nice job!
ReplyDeleteHi Chiara,
ReplyDeleteI liked your post as well as I liked that you put some images to help the reader understand, but some of the pictures( like the see-saw or the waterfall) didn't really fit in with the science class we did. I also think that you should have asked someone to check your spelling and grammar because it was hard to undersand what you meant since the words were spelled uncorrectly (like mite instead of might) and some of your sentences were confusing.
I liked that you explained everything we did,during the class, including getting our labs and tests back, and i think it was a good idea to put the homework we had due for the next class. I also think that you could have improved the first paragraph by writing more detail and explaining better what our results were. You could have also said what we had to draw on our homework (like all the types of frictio).
Overall thought it was a good post for being the first of the year,
keep up the work!
Hello Chiara,
ReplyDeleteI think your color choice for the blog is great and I really liked the pictures, but you could have improved your spelling and grammar a bit. Another thing you should have explained more in depth is the balanced and unbalanced forces. If I were an outsider I would have never understood what you meant. It is also great that you included a link to moodle an the video on youtube was great. Overall though I thought your post was really good! Great job!
All the best,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Chiara, I liked how your blog post was colorful and it had many useful pictures for each kind of friction and for balanced and unbalanced forces and gravity! In my opinion that was a neat idea! In the future, you should read over your work because I saw quite a few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. It was good how you wrote down the four different types of friction: static, sliding, rolling, and fluid. You also wrote the definitions for for balanced/unbalanced forces and gravity. And even though your notes were good, some things you wrote confused me, making me not understand your some parts of your notes! Overall, good job!
Hy Chiara!
ReplyDeleteI liked your post. You had good pictures and your font and colors were easy to read. I liked that you explained what frictions are and that there are different types. You could have included some videos that help and have some hyperlinks. Still I liked your post.
Hi Chiara,
ReplyDeleteI thought your post had some good English and showed that you have improved on your English skills. I also thought you used your colors well. I also thought that your science was good because you explained the definitions of certain words. And I think that that could have helped your classmates understand the scientific vocabulary that your class learned. While there were good aspects of your post there were also some bad aspects. This would include some of your science and some of your punctuation. One aspect you could have improved was the punctuation. I think that you could have capitalized rolling. You also should have capitalized liquid and gas. I thought that you could have explained the different types of friction more in depth by giving examples. I thought that it was good you put a URL of a video but it could be better. If you put a hyperlink it would have made it easier to link to the video. But the video you posted was also very good and explained a lot. I think that Khanaacademy was a good explanatory choice. There were positives and negatives but overall I thought you explained your science well and you improved your English greatly.
ReplyDeleteYou had a very simple layout that alot of people could understand. With come of the pictures I could not understand the relation betwwen what you wrote and what you said. For example, how does the pyrimid show slidng friction? I also had a hard time understanding the game you played with the cord and people pushing. You could have been a bit more clear. I also believe that it is unececary for there to be a different color for every definition. You also could have hyperlinked your links. Good post overall but could use improvement.
Hi Chiara,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your blog post! First of all, I liked your many pictures and the fact that you linked to Moodle and Youtube. You had a couple spelling mistakes here and there, though. I liked the fact that you gave the four types of friction. I also liked the fact that you coupled every type of friction with a different picture, but I think you could have explained more clearly what happens in the picttures in relation to friction. Overall, I really liked your blog post!
Hi there, Chiara!
ReplyDeleteYour post looks great! You have nice colors and your pictures are great! Though, you have poor grammar and spelling. You could have been more thorough with your science, since you didn't really explain in depth what we did or talked about. You could have had a bit of more writing, since you don't have enough to explain what happened. I didn't understand some of the statement and sentences that you made, so your post was a bit confusing. You explained what the different types of friction were, but you could have added a bit more, to make it more interesting and easy to read. You had two links, but you didn't hyperlink, so they didn't work. You also capitalized some words that you weren't supposed to, and didn't capitalize the ones where you were supposed to. The only picture that I didn't understand was the picture for the static friction, since it doesn't match your meaning. For the labels, you could have been more thorough instead of just writing "Tuesday's Class". Overall, this is a good post, but you should modify it.
Hi Chiara,
ReplyDeleteThis post was pretty good in my opinion, you had a great use of colors in your post, and an amazing choice of relevant pictures! Your English usage was good as well,your science was good too, about the rolling friction, and fluid friction, and the pictures really helped. But you did not mention anything about how different surfaces affect friction (but I don't know if you talked about it in class).
Hey Chiara,
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice post. You had pictures, captions, and colors. You should check your grammar! Also, your labels are all as one. You could have written a bit more about want we did in class or talked about. I really liked the pictures and overall it was a good post!
Nice job!
Hi Chiara!
ReplyDeleteGood first post of the year! You had good colors, and a lot of good pictures. Your spelling/grammar looked good to me. I also liked how you mentioned the rolling friction, and fluid friction. But one thing I suggest for you to put more details about them. You could also do some more paragraphs instead of pictures. Anyway good job on your first post!
Hi Chiara
ReplyDeleteNice post. The first paragraph was a little hard to understand and the coler was hard to read. I liked how you explained the different types of friction and that you have links and pictures. Next time, you maybe could hyperlink the links and maybe not have so much color. You could also have had pictures from the game you played in class. Over all, I liked your post.