On Thursday, February 17, Ms.D. gave our quest back. We just finished the section on forces.
Just to remind us this is what we learned about:
Newton’s Three laws:
1) Inertia: Things that are at rest stay at rest, and things that are moving will keep moving unless another forces act on them.
2) Acceleration depends on the object’s mass and on the net force acting on the object.
3) Action and Reaction: If one object exerts a force on another object, then the second object exerts a force of equal strength in the opposite direction on the first object.
The other forces we learned about are: air resistance, gravity, friction, speed and velocity.
Another important law we learned about was the law of conservation of momentum, which says ‘that the total momentum of any group of objects remains the same, or is conserved, unless out side forces act on the object.
Then Ms.D. explained to the class the goal of our next lab. The goal is going to be making simple machines, and the surprise was that before this lab we are going to make our own super hero, Yeah (scream). We had to design and name a Science Superhero and how this super hero saved the day.
She recommended that his/her power had to be scientific and it had to have at least 5 Superpower. Some examples of his super power would be:
· Decreasing / increasing the speed of an object
· Changing the velocity (speed or direction) of an object
· Changing the friction between two objects
· Conserving / “losing” momentum
· Instantaneous temperature change ( + or -)
· Affecting the weight and gravity of a place
It wouldn't make sense to make a superhero in science class without having scientific powers.
Usually we find superheroes in cartoons, movies and books. But they don’t always use scientific
superpower. A good example of a superhero is Superman. He flies in the air without any machine and the gravity doesn’t pull him down.

Our superhero must include laws and forces 0f science like the ones we learned about.
After Ms.D. showed as hers super hero, which she made it just yesterday. She told as that the super hero must be printed in color, and if we though we would lose our super hero she recommended to leave it with her. We went to the upper lab in till the end of the block. When we will came back from the break we will create or story of how our super hero saves the day.
Important Links
- http://zagreb.ceesa.net/course/view.php?id=188
- http://www.ugo.com/games/superhero-generator-heromachine-2-5
Next Scribe is ............ Tamara!!!
Hi Chiara!
ReplyDeleteThis is a really good post! You have great color, a nice picture of a superhero (although you could have added more science-related ones) and lots and lots of detail. I ilke that you talked about what happened in the quest, since it's good to remember, and you explained the superhero project pretty well. Some things you could improve on are checking your grammar & spelling, saying what happens when you click on the links, such as "this is a link to the Moodle page", and fixing your labels; "Science class" isn't really the topic of the class.... Other than that, the post is really good and I liked that you put in some emotion into it (such as the "Yeah! (scream)" part. Great job!
Chiara - This is much better than your last Scribe Post. Thank you for proofing your work before posting it on the site; your spelling, grammar and punctuation are almost perfect - Yay!!!! The information you provide is good as well, although there are a few errors and I think you could have gone into more depth about some things. Keep in mind speed and velocity are not forces, you know this because their units are not Newtons! For the second law you should have included the formula and the Law of Conservation of Motion could be explained much further. I love that you included Superman as an example and explained his superpower of flying scientifically - nice touch! Also, both links work and are helpful, but I do think you could have a few more about the material we were covering. Overall, nice improvement. ~Ms. D.