Hi everyone who reads my post now!!!
Our Tueday's Science Class we started our classfrom talking about our "Design a Supehero" project. Just to let everyone know, it is due this Friday, March, 2011. To see more about this project I recommend everyone to look at Chiara's post, because it has a lot of information about the "Superhero Project"; or you can also see http://zagreb.ceesa.net/course/view.php?id=188 , which is Moodle.
Today we basically read p. 108-113 in our "Science Explorer" book and made some math problems that are on page 112. After that, we took notes about work, power, joule. And here is what we were supposed to take notes on:
- Work-is when you exert a force on an object that causes the object to move some distance. You can also explain work as- a force exerted on an object that causes to move.
- The object moves in the same direction in which the force is exerted.
- Force in the same direction: to do work on an object, the force you exert must be in the same direction as the object's motion.
- Calculating work: is the amount of work done on an object. Can be determined by: work= force x distance
- Here is a website that can help you learn more about work: http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/work.htm
- Joule- the unit for joule is (J). Joule is the amount of work you do when you exert a force of 1 Newton to move an object a distance of 1 meter.
- Joule is a SI unit of work.
- The amount of work you do on an object is not affected by the time it takes to do the work.
- Here is the website about jouls: http://www.diracdelta.co.uk/science/source/j/o/joule/source.html
- Power- is the rate at which the work is done.
- Power equals the amount of work done on an abject in a unit of time.
- Power= work/ time (I can't find symbols here, so, power= work divided by time)
- Power units: 1KW = 1,000 W ( one Killowatt equals 1,000 Watts).
- One Watt is very small.
- Engines use horsepower, not Watts!!!
- One horsepower= 746 Watts
And this is it! I tried to make my post as short as possible and easy to read! I hope you liked it!
For homewrok we have to do the math sheet, which is due on Thursday.
Hi Tamara!
ReplyDeleteThis post is really good! You have a nice superhero picture, good color, and good explanationo f what you did in class. I like that you had a (hyperlinked!) link to Moodle, which is always helpful, although you could have added another picture that more describes work as well. You also have to include the date in your title. You also need a caption for your picture, although it is very easy to understand that it is related to the superhero project. The formula for work cut off your paragraph at the beginning, so you could have changed that. It was good that you made the post short, and it really was easy to read! Your labels are done correctly and your spelling/grammar looks great! Great job! :)
ReplyDeleteYour post is different from others and it's very interesting. You have a lot of colorful fonts, which emphasizes the important details and the size is very unusual, but I like it. The chosen picture fits good with the information in your scribe post. You forgot to put the class date next to the title and a few other links to websites related to work could be useful. You described almost everything we did in class. All in all, it's a great post. Keep on going that way.
Tamara - nice work on this Scribe post. I think your greatest success is the amount of hyperlinks you have and how they add in the understanding of what we were covering in class - work, joule, Moodle - nice additions. Be careful of spelling and grammar in place, but the English aspect of this writing is solid. Your coverage of the notes is quite thorough and you have highlighted with your text colors the important words to make them stand out. Keep in mind you could have explained the math aspect for work and power more fully, as that is what we focused on for homework, and possibly added one or two more links for new information about this topic. I really ike that you referred to Chiara's post for the Superhero Project - nice use of past posts. You did forget the date in the title and I think you could have some more labels with this post. However, overall this is one of your best pieces. Keep up the good work! ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteThis post was good but not great. The information covered what we took notes on in class. You had hyperlinks so that was good. I liked the link to the conversion page, but it was partly irrelevant because the other units are stuff we've never learned about. The post was legible and colorful. You did have a few spelling mistakes and spots where you forgot to insert a space. The picture of the work formula cuts off the end of the first paragraph so you should fix that. Also another picture related to work or power would have made this post better. Finally, I agree with Ms. D, you should add a date and another label or two.
Like I said, good, but not a great post.
Hi Tamara,
ReplyDeleteThis post is pretty good and it covers the notes the class took plus what you did in the text book. Nice use of color and links, but you need to fix the picture that is right in the middle of the text. There are a few grammar and spelling mistakes, and it might have helped if you explained the formula and explained how to use it in a problem from the math sheet. You maybe could have a better label then just "work". For example, "notes". Overall, an O.K. post.
(Sorry this is posted late, but internet has hardly been working since Thursday, and it didn't let me sign in during the few times the page actually loaded.)
Hi there Tamara,
ReplyDeleteThis post is great! You included what we did in class thoroughly and explained everything well! Your labels were OK, even though you could have made them a bit better, as nate said. Your grammar and spelling look fine, only a few grammatical mistakes. Your font is great and legible. You have great colors. I like your Science Superhero picture since it made your post even funner and easier to read. It was great that you put the formula at the start, since it makes everyone understand what the class was all about. You put enthusiasm in your post, which was great, because I had FUN reading your post. Your idea of the "cool music" was awesome, to the point that I stole the idea from you :). You have great websites, and you will certainly get full marks on the multimedia part for the grading sheet! Overall, great improvement, and great post!
Hi Tamara,
ReplyDeleteI think that you made your post well. As with most posts that have good parts your's also has some parts that you can work on. I think that one part that you did well with is the size of your font. Another part of your post that was good was that you included a related picture. I think that its good that you included that work=force*distance. One thing that you could improve was the amount of pictures you put. I think that there were not enough pictures on your post. I would also not use as much color as you did because you might not appear as serious as you want to appear. Overall I think that you did well with the entire post.
This comment is from Bryce - posted by Ms. D.
You have a good post here but there is room for improvement. I could for the most part understand what you did during the class. You also used bullet points well. However there are some spelling and grammar errors. The style also seems informal with the (cool music) and your introduction. It might have been a good idea to add some examples to the bullet points so some real life application could be seen. Using the formulas in a sample problem might also have been helpful.
Hi Tamara,
ReplyDeleteYour post was great! You had good use of colors, good links, and it was really short so none of us fell asleep as we were reading this post. But you could also make some improvements next time! I didn't really your Superman picture because it was not related to your post so next time you could pick a picture that was related to your post. Also maybe add more information next time to your post because it was a little too short and even I could read it in like two minutes! I also didn't really like your beginnig and end. Overall your post was awesome!
Hi Tamara,
ReplyDeleteYour post was good, I noticed you had an error with the quotation marks in the very beginning around superhero. You had a great relevant picture but only one. You also had great links but they were not hyper linked. The notes were also helpful but they were most of your post. It was also helpful that you put the formulas for the different things you did in class.
Hi Tammara,
ReplyDeleteIt is really hard to comment to someone which has a lot of comments because I might say the things that they already said. So these are the things that I had in mind to comment about your post: I really like your post, and I think that your post was better than last time:) The thing that I liked about your post is that you had a picture, you used differnt colors, you included the new formula that we learned. The other thing that I thing it was a good idea that you put moodel and the other links that you put. But I also think that you should put more pics and youtube link I this is a good one to put: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvcOYOO0Fvw&feature=related).
And always remember to check your post before you post it!!!
Although it was a really nice post and I liked it!!:)