We did many things in Thursday's science class, we all had to take notes about Gravity, Universal law of Generation, Distance, and Weight, as the following;
Gravity is;
- A force between all objects in the Universe.
- It is dependent on mass and distance
- The closer something is - the stronger is the gravity that pulls it.
There is no gravity, so nothing holds them to the center, which makes them float
Universal law of Gravitation;
- Isaac Newton thought of it
- Gravity exists between all objects in the Universe
- Mass has to be very different to be noticeable
- An example of the one above is if someone cut his or her arm!
The formula for the Universal law of Gravitation is this one.
Mass is;
- The amount of stuff in an object
- Measured with the TBB scale (Triple Beam Balance Scale)
- The units that it is measured in are grams.
This is a Triple Beam Balance, used to measure Newton.
Distance is;
- The amount of space between two different objects
- The equipment used to measured it with are rulers, meter sticks, trundle wheels
- The units it is measured in are meters, kilometers, hectometers, and light-years.
The space in the middle of these two objects is the distance between the objects.
- It is the amount of gravitational force on an object
- It is measured with a spring or force scale
- The measurement for it is Newton.
This is a spring scale used to measure weight that works when an object is hung on the hook, and shows how much weight the object is, so how much gravitational force is pulling it down.
When we were finished with taking the notes, we had to get out our notebooks if we had taken these notes on the computer, or if we had taken notes in our lab notebook we just had to turn to our clock on the front page to see our lab partner.
In case you forgot, the lab partner was number 11.
So when we knew our partners we paired up and sat beside each other, then Ms.D asked us to take from the front counter a small and a big block of wood, with a hook on it, and a spring scale. She then told us to write the numbers that were on our wooden blocks, on our lab sheet, and to then hook them to the spring scale. When everyone had done so, she told us to free our desks and make the big wooden block go around the table by pulling it with the spring scale, and told us to observe what happened to the measurements on the spring scale but to not write an observation. She then made us do the same thing over again with the small wooden block, and then both together, and with every different try, the scale's measurement was different. We then made sure that we spoke and asked any question we had on the lab paper, and we ran over the instructions and grading.Then we put everything back and she gave us some time to write our Purpose Question, and decide what were the IV, and DV, for this lab according to the purpose question. She then made us write our Hypothesis, but she did not tell us whether the IV and DV were right or wrong, and will only tell us at the end of the lab.
The work we had to do was similar to this;
Purpose Question: What are some of the factors that affect friction pulling a wooden block across different surfaces?
Hypothesis: YOUR OWN CHOICE TO FILL IN, but to do at LEAST three guesses.
We then put everything back and packed up, she dismissed us and that was theend of the class.
The lab worksheets are on moodle. In case anyone forgot, here is a link to it;
Hope you enjoyed reading my Blog Post,
The next scribe (if there is any) is....DRUM ROLL.........Ben!
Hi Vale
ReplyDeleteThis is a very nice post, though some parts were hard to read. I liked how you explained the different things that you looked at in class. The pictures were nice and a link to Moodle. The font was fine, but some of the sentences had two different fonts. The color was a little hard to read. You also had some science errors. For example, a TBB does not measure Newtons, it measures mass in grams. It would be a good idea to maybe put a video to explain the topic. You also forgot to put the labels.
Overall nice job
Hi Valentina,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your post. You included a lot of pictures and a link to Moodle which was good. One thing you could have done better is to link to another site besides Moodle. Also, I liked that you gave the definition of distance, mass, gravity and weight. I also thought it was good to add that mass and weight are not the same thing. I also liked that you had a picture of a Triple Beam Balance and a force scale. The part about your lab was written in very small font and was hard to read, but I'm glad that you included it. Some of the aspects of the lab I didn't quite undestand so you could have been a bit clearer. It was a good idea to include the purpose question, though. Overall, this was a very good scribe post!
Hi Vale,
ReplyDeleteThis post was very well done. You included a lot of pictures and you also included a link to moodle (which a lot of people didn't do). I also liked your use of colors and how you gave defenitions of the words gravity, mass, distance, and weight.I really liked how you included that mass does NOT equal weight (in big letters). Though, I think that you should've included another link to explain what you're talking about and maybe also a video. You also had some science errors in your post. Like that a TBB does not measure Newtons, it measures mass in grams, also a spring scale doesn't only measure Newtons, it also measures grams. I didn't understand why some of your sentences had two fonts (especially the ones that were with the pictures). I didn't understand some things in your post so you could've been a bit clearer. One important thing that you forgot to put were your labels. I didn't like that in the IV, and DV you put "YOUR CHOICE TO FILL IN", in the hypothesis it was fine though. Overall, it was a very good post, keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDeleteYou did a good job covering what happened in class. You did a good job of bulleting the important information for notes. However there is room for improvement. The grammar is in need of revision. Also the picture caption for the people in NASA's jet is incorrect. There are in microgravity it is not not no gravity because gravity is between all forces. They appear weightless because because of the gravitational force created by the plane diving. That decreases the gravitational pull from the planet and since nothing else has a high enough mass to attract them they float. Also the formatting could use revision. In my option you used too many fonts and the font changing mid-sentence is not visually pleasing( you might want to look at the HTML coding). Also like other people have said before me a TBB does not measur newtons. The post covers good content but needs to be revised to meet its full potential.
Hello to everyone!
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry for the font error, I didn't mean to do it, but i agree that it looks very messy,
Thanks for all the other comments too! :)
Hello Valentina,
ReplyDeleteI really liked the color choice of your blog, it pops up in a positive way. It is good you linked to moodle but maybe you could have added another link or a video. It is really great that you added the definitions to distance, mass weight, etc. I also think that it was great the you put the fact that weight and mass isn't the same because I remember last year our class struggled remembering this. I also like your pictures and I didn't spot any spelling or grammar mistakes. Overall, great job!
All the best,
Vale, your blog post was awsome, I liked that you put a lot of pictures and that you put the link to moodle though i think that you could have put some more. the information in your post was helpfull and i liked how you explained what we did in class and put deffinisions. i think that you could include more color next time but over all good post!
ReplyDeleteHey Vale,
ReplyDeleteYour post was nice. You could have put more links to show how the stuff works. The pictures were nice and your writing explained what had happened in class. Your font could have used a bit more color and stile.
Good job on your first post this year :)
Hey Vale!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your first post! It was easy to read, and you explained everything that we did in class. You had some grammar mistakes, but overall your spelling was good. Your post was long and easy to read. Maybe, you could have divided it in more paragraphs, to make it a little neater. Your link to moodle was very helpful. Your pictures were nice. the captions under the pictures are a bit weird, since some are bigger than others, and they change font. You didn't have almost any color, which made you post look a bit dull. The picture about distance was bit confusing, since it didn't really show distance. You could have added one or more links that explained what we did in class. You forgot to put your labels! Also, at the start, when you say "Hello everybody", you should either make it bigger, bold it, or change the font, since it is a bit hard to see. You should edit your post as soon as possible! Overall, though, great first post!
ReplyDeleteYour post looks very confusing. There is no date of the class, also there are no labels, no main titles and subtitles in your post. There are too many different colors, fonts and sizes that are irrelevant. You should divide your post into two different parts: one is weight, mass and gravity and the second one is the lab experiment, so your explanation will be easy to read.
You made a mistake about the distance of two objects: distance is not SPACE between them it is the line between the CENTER of two objects. The space between them is smaller then the distance. Then TBB measures mass not weight and the units are grams. You are confusing definition of mass which is measurement of the amount in an object. You put the wrong label under the picture in the space ship: You said there is no gravity, which is wrong. Instead of that you should put that it is the weightless feeling that astronauts experience in space. The reason that astronauts feel weightless actually has to do with their position compared to their spaceship. We feel weight on Earth because gravity is pulling us down, while the floor or ground stop us from falling. We are pressed against it. Any ship in orbit around the Earth is falling slowly to Earth. Since the ship and the astronauts are falling at the same speed, the astronauts don't press against anything, so they feel weightless.
The most important part of your post is the lab experiment, which is very hard to follow, because nothing is highlighted, separated, underlined or emphasized. You should have divided it into part according to the tasks on our worksheet.
In addition there are no scientific links, pictures or videos for friction, which would be very useful to other students. You also had grammatical and spelling errors, and you did not use scientific language at all.
Your post seemed to me like a rough draft, which needs a little bit of improvement.
Dave :)
ReplyDeleteFirst of all I want to say there are no labels. Which is a highly important error as Ms. D won't read the post without the labels. Also many grammatical and spelling mistakes. On the other hand, you covered a lot of what we did in Thursday's class (you didn't have the date either of our class). You had a lot of pictures but I think you could have posted a more relevant picture of distance. I have to agree with Dave, much of your information is incorrect. You should change your definition of distance to something like David wrote ("The line between the center of two objects"). This was an unorganized post as well, the font changed randomly and also you should make the post into different sections about what we went over. Lack of scientific information also made this post worse. There also aren't any links beside the one to moodle, and you didn't say anything about our homework over the break. I agree with Dave once more, this post reminds me of a rough draft. It seems like you rushed through this. Better Luck next time,
Hi Valentina, first of all, you posted the post to the sixth grade blog from 2010 instead of the seventh grade blog of 2010-2011... You should change it! But your blog post is good. You explained what gravity, mass, weight, distance, and the Universal law of Gravitation are. You should watch out about font changing (I'm referring to your caption to the spring scale picture). You could have said "matter" instead of "stuff" when talking about mass as well, because most people don't know what you mean by "stuff" (I know Ms. D says that matter is stuff, but still). You could've broken up your text into more paragraphs as well, because it was a bit boring to have so much text and so little pictures. You should change the "Thursday's Class" label to the topic of the class, not the day when it was happening. A link would have been nice too. Otherwise, the blog post was really interesting with a good use of colors, and it was really thorough. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHey Valentina! Overall I think this is a good scribe post. The pictures were a nice addition but the different fonts made it hard to follow. Maybe next time stick with the same font. Also there were some grammatical mistakes for example forgetting to put a period. The only big error was that you forgot to put labels which are important. Putting the link to Moodle was helpful but possibly adding another interesting link would be even better. Your explanations were good, you were very thorough with describing the class/lab, and even though I wan't in the class I still learned something. :]
ReplyDeletehi Valentina
ReplyDeleteThis post was even better than some eighth grader's posts, This post was maybe a little long though. but you did not include any homework and you only had one link, to moddle, but you had lots of great and relevant pictures. I did not notice any spelling mistakes either (but don't trust me on it). All of your science was relevant and explained throughly and this was helped by your choice of clearly legible font, but I noticed you did not have a greatly varying choice of font color.
Valentina - This first Scribe Post is a good start, but there are quite a few issues with the Science, the formatting and grammar/spelling. Your explanations of distance and lack of gravity in space are confusing and incorrect. Plus, as you know, TBBs measure grams, and force/spring scales measure Newtons & grams. I like that you have pictures throughout the post and have tried to write captions that link them to the text. But the formatting is really difficult to follow due to all of the different colors and styles of font and where the breaks are in sentences/paragraphs. I do realize you posted to the wrong site first and were trying to fix it, but you should spent more time on the fixing of things, as this is a big part of the Blog Project Grade. Overall, a good start, but there is room for improvement on your next one. ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Vale, This post could be better. You dont have labels, your title isn't how it is supposed to, you have inaccurate information etc. Although I like how you put picturs, I don't like how you use different size font and only the color black. Although black is a plain color it's not very exiting. I like that you put the notes we took in class and how you put definitions and captions under the picturs, but most of them were either unrelated to what we were doing or had wrong information. A TBB is not used to measure Newtons, and there is gravity in space. You only put one link and that is to moodle for the homework. I think you could have done better next time.
ReplyDeleteHi Vale,
ReplyDeleteThat is a very nice post. I liked how you explained the different things that you did in class. The pictures were nice and good job of putting a link to Moodle. The font was nice. The color was a little hard to see but its fine. It would be a good idea to put a video to explain the topic in class. You also forgot to put the labels :(
But anyway good job :)
Hi Vale,
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post to end the blog for this quarter, and I think it was very detailed and thorough. You can maybe use more color and maybe checked some of the details mentioned. For example, a TBB is not used for measuring Newtons, it is used for mass. Another example is that in the first picture there is gravity, and that's not the reason they are floating. But overall, I liked the pictures and they really matched their topic, and this was a good post.
(just like everyone else said, need labels)