There are many different types of cells that we were exploring in class! There are plant cells, animal cells and ma

Welcome to AISZ's 7th Grade Science Blog. Here you will find information about what we are learning in class at the moment and other random thoughts we have. Enjoy our posts and feel free to leave us a comment or two.
Courtney (and me)!
Tamara and Ghazaleh!
Valentina and Emilija!
Finally, our homework is to STUDY!!!!!!! Study as hard as you can, because, as I already said, the test will be the last final grade of the quarter!!
Here is a link to Moodle!
I hope you all enjoyed my post!!!
Oh, and I almost forgot.....The next scribe is........amazing, humongous final drum roll of the year..... JAKUB!!!
I think blog it is kind of good. For people that were apsent and they couldn't be in the class was a great thing because they could to blog and see what did we do in class and what did they missed and could chatch up, like once I missed a week of school but i checkd the blog and people posted everything that I needed to know a bout the classes that I missed. But sometimes It wasn't helping. and when you forget something that you did in the class blog it is great place to go and find out.
I think that I improved a lot in writing because now for English essays I improved a lot and I don't have as much mistake now in my writing. Now if I have to comment to somebody's writing I know what are the Technics that I have to use.
The most important thing that for sure learned it was how to be a better writer and how to explain something without using words, The another thing that I learned that how to organize when I am writing and what go where.
Blog People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!