Parts of an Animal Cell:
Cell Membrane - The outside boundary of a cell
Cytoplasm - Liquid inside a cell
Golgi Body - A structure in a cell that receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum.
Lysosome - A small round cell structure containing chemicals that break down large food particles into smaller ones.
Mitochondria - Rod-shaped cell structure that converts food into energy.
Nucleus - A cell structure that contains nucleic acids.
Ribosome - A small grain like structure in the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are made.
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Carries material from one part of the cell to another.
Vacuole - Stores food, water, waste, and other materials.
Labeled picture of an Animal Cell:
Parts of a Plant Cell:
Cell Membrane - The thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell, but is inside the cell wall.
Cell Wall - A thick layer that surrounds a plant cell.
Chloroplast - Captures sunlight to produce food for the cell
Cytoplasm - Liquid inside a cell
Golgi body - A structure in a cell that receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the endoplasmic reticulum
Mitochondrion - Rod-shaped cell structure that converts food into energy.
Nucleus - A cell structure that contains nucleic acids.
Ribosome - A small grain like structure in the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are made.
Endoplasmic Reticulum - Carries material from one part of the cell to another.
Vacuole - Stores food, water, waste, and other materials.
Labeled picture of a Plant Cell:
“E” Lab:
So now a little about the “E” Lab. When we did the “E” lab we had to cut out any type of “E or e” letter from a magazine that was the size of this font, and paste it on a slide that had a drop of water on it. Then we put a cover slip over it and pasted it on the microscope. The people that had chosen color full letter “e” had seen many color full dots mostly colors like blue, green, yellow, and light purple mixed with dark purple. But the people that chose letters that were black saw a black letter with little lines around it. After we were done looking at the letters we had a sheet to fill in of what we saw and we also had to draw a little pic of how the letter looked like.

Web sites to Animal Cell information/ games:
Web sites to Plant Cell information/ games:
Microscope Game:
Emilija - Thanks for re-doing this post. You have a good use of colors, your pictures look good and your spelling is very consistent through the written piece. Your science is a bit incomplete, as you are missing cell parts from both the animal and plant cells that we went over in class (vesicles, SER, RER, nucleolus). I am not sure why you didn't use the packet we used in class to write out the definitions - as some of them are vague or incomplete. Plus, you do not have a real-life relationship, which was an added requirement this quarter. The strongest aspect of this post is your multi-media. Your links are excellent and fun! Great choices here! Overall, both your English skills and your Scribe Posts have improved over the course of the year - yay! ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHi Emilija!
ReplyDeleteWowk you have definitely improved this year! You had really goodl inks, lots of detail, and good diagrams! The things you could change are, like Ms. D said, having a real-life relationship, including "scribe post" in your labels, not using bright pink as a color, and explaining a bit more about the parts of a microscope. And who is the next scribe?? I like that you explained the "E" Lab, and you definitely put effort into this post! Great job for your last post of the year! :)
wow u do this in grade seven im in highschool and im just starting to learn this