Davide's Reflection Post
Hey Everyone!!!!
I feel that I have improved in different ways as a blogger over the
past two years, since I learned many things. At the start of blogging, even this year, I was nervous, since I wasn't sure how my blog comments and posts would be. Though, as I continuously commented and posted to the blog, I felt more secure. I learned how to hyperlink, add pictures, make my text funner to read, and putting a day's work in a brief explanation. I got better at commenting, with more complete and logic comments. I feel that almost every class in school should have a blog, since, even though it is a lot of work, it is mostly fun, and it helps both the scriber and a classmate reading it remember what happened during the day. I feel that blogs contribute a lot to learning a class for school, since they refresh everyone's memory. I think that a blog could also be used for even something simple and basic, like sharing ideas about life or about some specific sports or activities. Blogs help anyone feel involved in something they like without taking parts or being aggressive. I think that blogging has helped my overall writing, since, after I write a post or comment, and I spell-check it, I don't have a
s many mistakes. Also, it has helped get used to writing more and reflecting about what happened in class. Blogging also helped me a lot in commenting on others about their writing. Having to do comments, I got used to analyzing their text and looking at the different pros and cons that it contained. This also helped me outside of blogging. In fact, I am now definitely more able to analyze and evaluate a text than before blogging. The most important thing I learned about blogging is that revising things when you come home helps with school work, and that commenting, even though sometimes stressful, can be a whole lot of fun, as can posting. Overall, I really enjoyed blogging, and I hope to do it again next year!!

Davide - this Reflection Post is very thorough and clearly written. You have covered all of the requirements with depth and have explained your thoughts in each section. I would agree that blogging has helped you as a writer and I am glad to hear it has helped you be able to analyze text written by others in a more effective way. Great work and thanks for your thoughts and opinions. I am glad you enjoyed this project! ~Ms. D.