Jakub's Reflection Post
Hello everybody, here is my overall experiance of blogging!
I feel that I have improved a lot in blogging over the past two years! I have improved my writing, added hyperlinked links, added more pictures, had much more information and my posts were getting longer throughout the two years. I think that blogs help you to review the things that we did in class and they help you improve in writting and they also help you to understand things better. Also when your not at school, blogging helps you to see what we did in class that day. I think that my writting has improved while writting these blog posts and commenting on them becuase the first time I commented on a post, it was really bad, but now I do better comments! The most important thing that I learned from blogging is sharing my ideas in my comments and understanding things much better! Blogger was both a good and bad experiance for me, but it was overall OK!
Great Reflection Post Jakub! I would agree that your commenting when you started was rather weak and has definitely improved over time. I also agree that your Scribe Posts have become more complete and thorough. I am glad you feel you have learned a lot from this experience! ~Ms. D.