I think that I did inprove over these couple of years on Blogger, all though sometimes my blog posts were not as good as they could have been. I think that this class blog was sort of useful because it is quite the same thing as moodle and only people who have been sick usually check it. But sometimes it is helpful for other people who are not in our class to see what we are learning about in science class. I think that this blog could also be used for our parents to see what we did in class and what homework we had. Blogger helped my grammer skills a little bit but not by much. Blogging has helped my commenting by knowing what i should look for in a blog post. The most important thing i learned from blogging is how you can use the most simple thing like a science class and turn in into a learing site on a blog.
Karin - I love the picture you have chosen to be used in your post. You have answered the questions well, but I think in some places you could have gone further into depth. Plus, you need to be sure to capitalize "I" and do spell check before posting your work. I would agree that blogger helped us turn our class into a global learning site - which is a cool way to look at it. Good work! ~Ms. D.