Yesterday May 17th we learned about cells and CERN. Cells are the basic unit(structure,function) of every living thing. Ms.D asked us how do we know if we are alive? Many of us had different answers but most of us said by movement. Ms.D said that we know if we are alive by movement, respiration, reproduction etc. There are 6 kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protist, Monera, and Archaebacteria. Animalia is the animal kingdom. Plantae have cell walls that are used to protect the plant, and chloroplast which makes the plant green. Fungi is where the mushrooms and other fungus go. This kingdom decomposes waste my teacher from Ecuador told me they kind of recycle a big part in nature.
Monera is where bacteria fall into. They told me that most bacteria is actually helpful to your body.In my other school they taught me that archaebacteria was part of the monera kingdom but Ms.D said that it was separate kingdoms. Archaebacteria is bacteria that live is extreme environments.

Large Hadron Collider
this is what the hadron collider could affect us.The Large Hadron Collider at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland will open new views on the deepest secrets of the universe, stretching the imagination with newly discovered forms of matter, forces of nature, and dimensions of space which it is pretty cool and we could advance greatly in technology. Then we saw a couple of videos about the hadron collider and a presentation. We also saw a funny video of some people that work there and made a rap song. We are going to Geneva, Switzerland mostly because of the Hadron Collider. The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is a facility at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) on the French-Swiss border. It is designed to take particles at high energies and smash them together, to see what results are obtained. This Machine is huge and amazing, also with this machine we could do black holes which they are awesome.

Hey Eric!
ReplyDeleteI like your Blog, it has a lot of links and I really like the picture that you have used to show the 6 kingdoms, also I like how you wrote about them. But I think that your Blog is unorganized, and hard to read. Also you do have multiple links, same as one to Moodle, even dough those aren't hyper-linked. But since this is your first Blog I think that you did a good job.
Hi Eric,
ReplyDeleteI think that this is a very good post. I like the fact that even though this is your first Blogger scribe post you still managed to do great. Your post was good because it included some good science like the six kingdoms. I also like the fact that you included some cool links. I liked the link to the rap, I thought it was funny. I think that your link with information was also from a valid source. I thought that it describe the LHC very well. With all posts there are some mistakes and things that you can improve on. One thing that you can improve on is some of your grammar. You said "this is what the hadron collider could affect us". I'm not sure what you were trying to say there, but you should consider rephrasing that. Another thing that you should consider doing next time is being more personal. I learned this from my posts, people like them more if you include a more personal touch. One place where you could have been more personal was when you said that the reason we are going is for the LHC. You could have said "even though most of the students want to go for the chocolate factory." I believe that is good to include humor on your post as long as it's not rude or offensive to anyone. Even though you have a lot of science maybe you could include more information maybe one or two more links. I think that there a lot of sites out their that talk about CERN and the LHC. Consider looking at They have lots of people who talk about science. And there actually is one about the LHC. Anyways nice post, I think that its great for your first one.
Hey Eric,
ReplyDeleteAs the others said, this is a great first post. You had great pictures, links, and spelling. It was a very easy read and very understandable. You do have a couple grammar mistakes, but your labels are correct. It's clear that you payed attention and took notes, and I think you have a great description of what the Large Hadron Collider is. The picture with the different kingdoms is amazing and just it by itself shows a lot more than what could have been shown in text. Throughout the blog, you had the text color black; maybe a bit more variety. Overall, your blog is great and probably the best I've seen anyone do on their first one.
Hi there Eric,
ReplyDeleteThere is basically one word to describe your post: WOW! You were very careful not to make your post long and boring, and made it long enough with all of the information needed. You had great spelling, and only a couple of grammar mistakes. Your tone was exciting, which made your post much funner and easier to read. You have a lot of science, and I can see that you took notes really well! I really enjoyed reading your information about the kingdoms! Also, I liked how you explained the CERn really well! You added outside information, so everyone got to learn new interesting stuff! You had great pictures, which are scientific, cool and fun to look at. You have six links, of which one that adds information to what we did in class. Your post helped me revise and remember what we did in class. You have great labels! If I were to look at this for the first time, I wouldn't be able to see that it is your first scribe post! You read the rubric really carefully and put the information that was needed. You have a link to Moodle, which is always good. Even though it is obvious to see what the pictures are, you should put captions on them. You don't have any color, but don't worry; it almost always doesn't work... Overall, amazing post, great entrance in Science Class, and keep up the great work!!
Hey Eric-
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the others that your blog post is very good! It has lots of interesting and helpful links, long, thorough explanations, and many good pictures! But you did have a few grammar mistakes and I think you could have organized your post differently because it was a bit confusing at times, and maybe, just to add on a little to the blog post, you could have used more colors. Your Science was very good, but I think that you could have gone into further detail about the nuclear researc part of the CERN, and what nuclear energy is, but all in all, GREAT post!! :D
Hi Eric!
ReplyDeleteFor your first time, this post is great! You had nice pictures, great links, and quite good detail. There are some things you could change; add color, caption your pictures, have the date in your title, and fix your grammar mistakes! Your science is quite good, with the explanation of the life kingdoms and that, but like Iva said, you should have gone more into detail about the LHC and the CERN research. Other than that, you sure are a good blogger! :)
Hi Eric
ReplyDeleteI like how to the point this post was but it did not include enough science. You had a great explanation of the kingdoms and great pictures to go with it, these were also captioned. For the second half, you did a great job of explaining what the LHC does but you didn't really say why or what it is researching. You had a nice picture of the LHC too, but this was not captioned, you also had not text color. Your links are nice and informative but you don't have them hyper linked. The last thing is about the kingdoms, I don't know if you talked about them in class but if you did, why didn't you mention anything about Extremophiles?
Eric - Nice work for your very first Scribe Post for me! You have covered most of the information we discussed in class. However, you did forget MRS. GREN for living organisms and you have not included a real-life example of how this related to the real world. Your strongest part of this post is your multimedia. You have some excellent pictures and your links are interesting and helpful in covering these topics. Your labels are okay, but you forgot a date in your title. Spelling & grammar look good for the most part, but you could have done something to make your overall writing format be more interesting. However, great job for your first large post! ~Ms. D.