Neo Earth

Friday, March 25, 2011

Chiara's Reflection Post

I feel that I improved a lot from last quarter, but I feel that I need to improve
better my spelling, grammar, color chooise and go a bit further with the
science part. The benefits of the blog is that if you were absent you could go
and check on the blog to see what did you miss in class. Some times I didn't liked the blog because it didn't had spell check. Also I don't like to comment, but it is okey. I could also make my font bigger. Overall it was a nice science quarter.

1 comment:

  1. Chiara - you have covered everything you needed to in this Reflection Post. But even here you have some spelling errors. You may want to consider writing your posts on Word, spell checking them and then cutting & pasting your work on the blog. Overall, nice post! ~Ms. D.
