On Thursday, our class tried to get as much work done as possible. We worked on getting our simple machine presentations finished, record our anti-smoking commercials; maybe even present some of the presentations.
Our simple machine presentations are visual presentations of an assigned simple machine. We were each split up in pairs and each received a simple machine to do a presentation on. We could only use a prezi, powerpoint, or poster to do this. Jakub, my partner for this assignment, and I chose to do a powerpoint, and our simple machine was the Wheel and Axle. The other available simple machines included:
1. The Lever
2.The Screw
3. The Plane
4. The Wedge
5. The Pulley
In our simple machine presentations, we were required to have the simple machine's definition (mechanical advantage), a well labeled diagram (the lever couple had to do 3), 5 examples of that simple machine (the lever couple had to do 6), and 3 pictures of it in use. Our goal of the class was to get these done and one or two presented. But sadly that goal wasn't reached, and nobody finished their presentations, let alone present.

Although the anti-smoking commercials is actually a wellness project, we worked on it during science class. This anti-smoking commercial was a solo project, but we did have the choice of having someone else in it. What we had to do was create a script of a commercial that is against smoking, and aim it toward a certain age group. After the script was complete we revised it and checked to see if it was one minute and thirty seconds long, the required amount of time it had to be. But we did all of this before Thursday's class. The goal on Thursday was to finish up the commercial and make any last minute changes we wanted or needed to do. Only three or four people got to recording their commercials, and I was one of them.
Our simple machine presentations are visual presentations of an assigned simple machine. We were each split up in pairs and each received a simple machine to do a presentation on. We could only use a prezi, powerpoint, or poster to do this. Jakub, my partner for this assignment, and I chose to do a powerpoint, and our simple machine was the Wheel and Axle. The other available simple machines included:
1. The Lever
2.The Screw
3. The Plane
4. The Wedge
5. The Pulley
In our simple machine presentations, we were required to have the simple machine's definition (mechanical advantage), a well labeled diagram (the lever couple had to do 3), 5 examples of that simple machine (the lever couple had to do 6), and 3 pictures of it in use. Our goal of the class was to get these done and one or two presented. But sadly that goal wasn't reached, and nobody finished their presentations, let alone present.

Although the anti-smoking commercials is actually a wellness project, we worked on it during science class. This anti-smoking commercial was a solo project, but we did have the choice of having someone else in it. What we had to do was create a script of a commercial that is against smoking, and aim it toward a certain age group. After the script was complete we revised it and checked to see if it was one minute and thirty seconds long, the required amount of time it had to be. But we did all of this before Thursday's class. The goal on Thursday was to finish up the commercial and make any last minute changes we wanted or needed to do. Only three or four people got to recording their commercials, and I was one of them.
On Friday, we tried finished up our anti-smoking commercials and our simple machine visual presentations. We also aimed at presenting a couple of the simple machine presentations, but only got around to presenting one, the lever. Everyone got their anti-smoking commercials done, and also the simple machine presentations. There were only three groups that could possibly present the simple machine presentations because a couple kids were absent that day which left only one of the two partners to present.

In one or two weeks, our class is going to have a quiz on simple machines. We needed to rely on the other groups presentations for information about that simple machine. Therefore, we took notes to remember it. For the lever, Karin and Ghazaleh made a poster. It was eye catching, and here are some notes I took:
Definition= A rigid bar that is free to pivot or rotate around a fixed point.
Types:-First Class Lever = Changes direction of input force
-Second Class Lever = Increases output force
-Third Class Lever = Increases distance
Mechanical Advantage = Input force to fulcrum/Output force to fulcrum
You need less force and time to do the same amount of work

At the very beginning of Friday's class, we talked about the email Ms.D sent to all three grades in middles school and to the parents. The email is about the moon being 14% larger on Saturday night at 7:10 P.M. (19:10). It will appear HUGE at this time, and here is a video talking about why. Sadly, if you look outside, you can see that we probably aren't going to see it tonight with it as cloudy as this. Hopefully the sky will clear up!!!
Here is a link to moodle.
The next scribe is Ben!!!

In one or two weeks, our class is going to have a quiz on simple machines. We needed to rely on the other groups presentations for information about that simple machine. Therefore, we took notes to remember it. For the lever, Karin and Ghazaleh made a poster. It was eye catching, and here are some notes I took:
Definition= A rigid bar that is free to pivot or rotate around a fixed point.
Types:-First Class Lever = Changes direction of input force
-Second Class Lever = Increases output force
-Third Class Lever = Increases distance
Mechanical Advantage = Input force to fulcrum/Output force to fulcrum
You need less force and time to do the same amount of work

At the very beginning of Friday's class, we talked about the email Ms.D sent to all three grades in middles school and to the parents. The email is about the moon being 14% larger on Saturday night at 7:10 P.M. (19:10). It will appear HUGE at this time, and here is a video talking about why. Sadly, if you look outside, you can see that we probably aren't going to see it tonight with it as cloudy as this. Hopefully the sky will clear up!!!
Here is a link to moodle.
The next scribe is Ben!!!
Hi Nate,
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post! You had nice pictures (although they have no captions), hyperlinks, and good notes. I think that you could have explained more about the "super moon", and maybe add some more hyperlinks. You also have no labels, although you have nice color. You also need to include the date in your title - I can't find it anywhere in the post! Other than that, I think that this post is pretty good! :)
PS. You were right, it's too cloudy to see the moon! :(
Hey Nate-
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Your use of colors, pictures and hyperlinks was good, and your explanations of what was and was not covered during was class was quite clear, even though every now and then, I got confused. I liked how you put down the notes you took, about what a lever is, which is a rigid bar that is able to pivot around a fixed point (like a see-saw), and what the three different classes are and what the mechanical advantage is. Your video about the moon was helpful, but I do think you could have changed your topic (from levers to the moon) in a better way! All in all, great, thorough post, with some things you could have fixed here and there.
Hi there Nathan - Nice post from the last two days of class. You have covered everything we did in class in an understandable manner, and I like your colors for the font to separate topics. I do think you could have included much more information from the lever presentation. You haven't really discussed the difference between the three classes, what mechanical advantage is, the different parts of the levers and the picture you included. I am not sure your readers will have a thorough understanding of what was presented because of these missing things. I like your pictures, but none of them are captions and I think you could have included a picture of all three classes of levers. Your hyperlinks work well and I am glad you included the Super Full Moon video(nope - didn't see it!). But there really isn't anything new you are presenting in Moodle - and that could have been for levers too. Great work on the labels and overall, this is a strong post. ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHi Nate,
ReplyDeleteI think that your post overall looked pretty good. Your font was readable and not to fancy. You put a good link which was a video and you also hyper linked to Moodle. I think that its good that you explained the science of the moon being bigger than usual. Meaning that it was a good choice to use the percentage of how much bigger it is getting. Another good part of your post was that you mentioned that your grade will get a quiz soon. I think that scientifically it was good that you included the 5 different simple machines: The lever, The Screw, The Plane, The Wedge, and The Pulley. This really helped explain what you guys discussed during class. I think that one thing you could have improved is your use of colors. I think that too many colors will end up not making it look as serious as you want it to look like. Even though you did mention the Super Moon and explained it well. You could have explained it even better by going even more into details. Like maybe when it last happened or something like that. Like Viktor said your title didn't include the date. It just said what you did in class. I think that your posts was done well overall. Here are the main positives and the main things you could have improved:
+Relevant Science (Stats and Definitions)
+Upcoming Assignments
+Simple Definitions
+Good Links (Video and Moodle)
-Not Enough Detail On Certain Parts
-Incorrect Title
-A Little Too Much Color
I think that your post was good and related to what you did in class on Thursday and Friday but you could have gone a little more into detail.
Hey Nathan,
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I liked your use of colors and pictures. I liked that you put a link to moodle and the video, but the transition form the text about levers to the text to all of the information about the moon was kind of rough. Next time you should put, on friday's class we also talked a bit about the full moon... or something along those lines. Next time you should also use a different color for, here is a link to moodle, and, the next time is Ben, or the reader might think that you are still talking about the full moon. Hope you find my suggestions helpful and you use them next time!
Overall great post!
Court :D
Hey Nate,
ReplyDeleteI agree with others your color and font are nice and not to bright.The information was very clear and helpful! I think that whoever was absent could read this post and understand what we did in class. You included nice pictures and it was good that you had a link to moodle and a video. You could have labeled the pictures. You also could have added the names of the people that worked together for the presentations. Your post is better then last time.
Good Job :D
Hi Nate,
ReplyDeleteCool post. Your colors and font are very nice. I like that you put pictures on, but they are both don't have captions. You could have added another video that could have helped people understand the lever because your notes might not be useful for some of the absent kids. Your title for your blog post is wrong, although it tells what you did in class, you needed to put the date of the class in there too. I liked how you put your notes on and the definition of the lever. You could have also taken a picture of the poster for people who were not there. You could have also added a "fun" link, for fun.
Over all I liked your post.
ReplyDeleteGood overall post but you could make some improvements. The color coding was a very good idea, and a very good use of color. It was also nice that you talked about the super full moon. however you should have talked more about the science behind it and why it appears 14% larger. It does this because of the moon's elliptical orbit around Earth. Super moons are cause when the moon reaches the closest point in it's orbit. This is known as perigee when the moon is closest and it is known as apogee when it is the farthest away. The last sentence in your red paragraph on Friday is in the present tense and needs to be changed to the past to fit the rest of the paragraph. Also to make it easier on the readers you could have put the requirements for the presentations in bullet point format. Also you should have included wheel and axle in the list of simple machines and altered the sentence to make it fit. This is because if you skim the paragraph for information many people may not see wheel and axle. Overall it is a very good post but could benefit from a few changes and additions.
Hi there Nathan,
ReplyDeleteGreat Post! I liked the font, and the colors were easy to follow and great. I liked that you kept your post simple but with information. You had links, which is great, and pictures. Though, I think that you could have added a few more, and you forgot to put captions. Your labels are great, and you have no mistakes in either grammar or spelling. I liked that you included the facts about the moon, since, not being here on Friday, I understood what was going on. You could have added a few more pictures for simple machines, but you covered most of what was happening. I understood everything clearly, and the spacing was easy to read. Overall, this post is Great!!!! Keep up the good work,