Neo Earth

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My post for the 3rd quarter has improved a lot, as I undestand from the comments the 7th and 8th graders made to me. I had both positives and negatives! My comments helped me understand what I did wrong and what I am supposed to do better on in the 4th quarter. Some things that I did well on were:
  • good pictures
  • good colors/font
  • good websites
  • easy to read
  • good information
  • good captions
  • labels are done correctly
  • the science is good
  • grammar and punctuation
  • well orginazed
  • great length
  • not boring
  • fun and easy to read
Some things that I could improve next time were:

  • Spelling, proofread for spelling mistake
  • Explain on the cigarette picture a little more
  • Previewing the post before I publish it
  • Include questions for the activity, not only answers
  • Link directly to audacity
  • Explain commercials a bit more
  • Use more bullet points
  • Explain more about smoking
  • Organize information better
  • Add the pro smoking radio commercial
Overall, I think that blogging is ok to use! It was fun in some ways, but I think that people mainly kept an eye on their comments and the post to be really good because this project is graded! I also didn't like that the comments had due dates, I found that kind of annoying. Also when your writting a reflection post or a post, your writting it on a small window and I don't like that at all and I find it really hard to write like that! But I liked how we got to express our ideas about somebody's elses post and they got to share their ideas about my post! Blogger also helped me when I was out of class, and I kind of knew what we were doing in class and I think it helped other people too. Overall blogging was ok to me and I think we should continue doing this!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the honest and clear comment Jakub. I would agree that your scribe post this time around was an improvement from 2nd quarter. Overall, nice work and keep progressing! ~Ms. D.
