Tuesday's Class
Tuesday's "science" class was different then any other one. Instead of science we did wellness, because on Monday (actual wellness class) we had presentations from Davide and Karin and then we had a guest speaker, that smokes, to speak to us about how smoking is bad for you and that we schouldn't start smoking. We didn't get to the smoking commercial things on Monday,as Ms.D. wanted, because our guest speaker took a long time speaking to us. So we had to talk about the smoking commercials today instead of science class.
First we handed i
n our super hero project (which was science homework) because instead of last Friday it was due today. Then we went straight to the smoking commercials and Ms.D. gave us the rubric so that we can follow what she is reading and so that she can explainstuff that we need to do. Ms.D. also told us that we're gong to be using the program Audacity to record our commercials. Ms.D. also gave us a guide to using this program so that we know how to use it, but she said that it is easy to use anyway. Then we went to our smoking packet and we talked about what smoking can do to you:

- stained teeth
- stale smell in hair
- halitosis (bad breath)
- stuffy nose
- skin wrinkles
- lung cancer
- deadened taste buds
- heart disease
- damaged cilia (little hairs in your nose, ears, and other places in your body, that get damaged by the smoke of the cigarette
- mouth cancer
- irritated throat
- chronic bronchitis
- increased heartbeat
- emphysema (you can't breath so you have to carry oxygen around)
- stained, yellow fingers
- stroke ( when it happens it means that the blood to the brain can't go and you loose your arm, leg, etc.)
- less oxygen to lungs
- odor of smoke in your clothes
Then when you flip the page over there's a Brain Pop activity that we had to fill in and here are the answers from 1st to last:
- tobacco
- oxygen
- tar
- lungs
- cancer
- nicotine
- heart
- drug
- help
And then when you turn the page over, you will find a "What is Nicotine?" activity and here yre the answers, again from 1st to last:
- liquid
- tobacco
- cigarettes
- pipes
- cigars
- smokeless (chewing) tobacco
- lungs
- chewing
- stomach
- mouth
And then next in the packet there is just information and the next activity is "Up in Smoke" which was homework for Monday, because you had to go on the internet and search this to actually answer these.
Next, we went back to the commercials, but we were interrupted by the PTA, because they gave us donuts because it was Mardi Gras (which ment Fat Tuesday). Ms.D. started showing us a cigarette ad from the 1960's which you can find here, as we were eating the donuts. When we finished eating, Ms.D. showed us the grose commercials from Australia, because Australia has too many smokers so they want them to stop smoking. And the only way to make them stop is to start putting these grose commercials on T.V. :
- Anti-Smoking Artery
- Anti-Smoking Mouth Cancer
- Anti-Smoking Stroke
- Anti-Smoking Tar in Lung
- Anti-Smoking Rotten Lung
The picture above is showing lungs from a non-smoker and a smoker. The one on the left is from a person who has died who was not a smoker. The right one is from a smoker who smoked for many years.
Hey Jakub,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your scribe post! You used pictures, colors and sites. I also like the way you spaced out your post so it was easy to read. You have a couple of spelling mistakes, though. I like the information you gave about excessive smoking in Austrailia, and the fact that you gave the symptoms of smoking. I liked the picture you put with a healthy human lung as opposed to that of a smoker, I think that was helpful. However, you posted a labelled picture of a cigarette and I think you could have explained at least how some of the ingredients affect the human body. Overall, I really liked your scribe! post.
Hi Jakub,
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing post! You had great picture,s, nice colors, and good hyperlinks. Some things you could have improved on are previewing the post before you publish it; for examples, for the answers to the BrainPop questions, at number one, the answer is one row below the 1. It would also have been good to include the questions for the activity. I like your pictures of cigarettes and the list of the things it might do to you, and the diagram of the cigarette is great. The science seems to me like it is very good, and your labels are done correctly! Great job!!! :)
Jakub - Nice work on this post. You have included excellent hyperlinks to the videos we watched. I do think you could have linked directly to Audacity so people could play with the program. You have included interesting and informative pictures, but the one of the cigarette could be explained more clearly, as it is in french (I think!). Your spelling has a few errors, but your grammar and punctuation are well done. I also feel this post is well organized. You do have some spacing problems and that makes it harder to read. But nice use of colors. The one other part that is confusing is the list of answers to the worksheets. These could have been explained better, or you could have included the questions or paragraph we were working with. Good coverage of the words we covered from the first page of the packet. Overall, great improvement from 2nd quarter's post. ~Ms. D.
ReplyDeleteHi Jakub,
ReplyDeleteI think that your scribe post has a lot of useful information to the topics you learned about. All the pictures, especially the one that compares a healthy lung to a smoker lung were very helpful. I liked that you included a caption for most pictures and that you had a very organized scribe post in general. I also liked that you added the cigarette commercial to your post. Next time I would proofread the post for any spelling mistakes. I also think that you could have explained the commercials a bit better.
Overall, very good scribe post.
Hey Jakub!
ReplyDeleteThat was a really good post! Much better than your previous one. I liked it for many reasons, first, I thought that it was very good to put those pictures because they were exactly like the ones we had seen in class, even though the cigarette was hard to understand, and you were able to include all the details of the happenings in class. I liked it that you hyperlinked two things and you added the doughnuts part! It was a good idea to explain why we did the wellness class, and I liked that you ordered the things base on when they happened. I also liked that you included the answers to the sheet and the effects of smoking.
I do think you could have made your post better by adding better vocabulary, because you used many times the word "stuff" and "things", and you could have explained more profoundly what you meant with the Audacity and what we were going to do with that program, like we were doing commercials, and you could have included that we would be doing them for three different ages; children, adults, and teens, and how each had to differ from each other. You could have also double checked your spelling because you had some errors like „yre" instead of are. Lastly, you could have written which page of the Smoking packet the answers where instead of when you had to turn page because it was a bit more confusing!
Overall though it was a very big improvement and really detailed!
Hi Jakub,
ReplyDeleteThis post was a great length and had great text color for all of your text. You had great relevant pictures and you used hyper links,it was also nice that you had links to the videos that you watched in class. It was also helpful to the people in your class that you had the answers to the homework and the class work you did.
overall a great post, Vance
Hey Jakub,
ReplyDeleteI really liked your scribe post. First of all, you included videos that you guys watched in class, a link to Moodle, you used working hyper-links, you explained in close detail what happened during Tuesday's science class, and maybe sometimes you could have also not included some information that didn't relate to science or wellness. Also, there were some spelling mistakes, and you could have checked your spelling before posting the scribe post. Also, you organized very well your scribe post, with colors and paragraphs. Maybe, you could have used more bullet - points. It was also good that you included the list of answers for the packet you did, but also you could have written the page number. Then, you could have gone more in dept about actually smoking, or a cigarette's structure. I also liked a lot your pictures, that related to the topic. Other than some minor mistakes, great post !
Hey Jakub! Overall, this is a great post. First, the colors were nice and the links and videos were really helpful. The descriptions of the class were very good and clear. Even though I am not in your class, I could still understand what happened. Although, there were a few spelling and grammar mistakes. Also, from reading your scribe post, I learned some things about smoking. For example that it kills your taste buds. But, you might have wanted to organize you information better to make it less boring to read. Nice job!
ReplyDeleteHi there Jakub,
ReplyDeleteWOW! This post is really GREAT! You covered everything we did in class, but you were careful not to bore the reader. You made your post fun and easy to read. Font and color were great. You also had great grammar and spelling. You put in all of the links that we watched in class, which was helpful for anyone that wasn't in class. It was also great that you put in the commercial for cigarettes of the sixties. Though, you could have added the pro smoking radio commercial, asking Ms.D for the link. You gave examples of effects that smoking has on you, and the last picture of the lungs was pretty impressive. I feel that you understand this topic and I wouldn't hesitate to ask you something. Your science was pretty good, even though you could have been a bit more thorough and you could have talked about which ingredients in a cigarette do what for the smoker (for example: Nicotine- causes addiction, tar-causes cancer, etc.) Overall, I liked your post! Keep up the great work ;)!