Hi to everybody,
This quarter my blog post was better than last year, but I still had ways I could have improved.
Here are the things that I should have improved in this blog post and who wrote them;
- I should have added more pictures at the end of the post (Viktor),
- Add a date of the Science class in my title (Viktor),
- My grammar (especially in the Japan section) was a bit off (Ms.D and Sophie),
- My hyperlinks were a bit too old or complicated to understand (Ms.D),
- I had trouble with explaining the nuclear reactor problem (Ms.D),
- My fuel rods explanation was not completely correct (MS.D),
- I mistook nuclear reactors for atomic ones (Sophie and Tamara),
- I should have explained what the different simple machines were (Sophie and Courtney),
- I should have organized the information I gave in a better way, for example by using bullets (Sophie),
- I should have made the hyperlinks stand out more so they were clearer (Courtney),
- I should have split up the paragraphs (Gio),
- I had some grammar and spelling mistakes (Gio),
- I could have highlighted key words (Gio),
- I could have concentrated more on the simple machines we were working on rather than the earthquake and the tsunami in Japan (Gio),
- My pictures were badly organized (Davide),
- The captions weren't clear (Davide),
- I could have added more excitement in the second part (Davide),
- Should have added a video to explain the problem in Japan (Davide),
- I made a mistake with the one of the groups and omitted Davide (Davide).
I was also told that I improved from last year in some different ways as well as I did some good things in my blog post, which are the following, with who wrote the comments;
- My diagrams were good (Viktor),
- My spelling and punctuation were okay (Ms.D),
- My labels look good (Ms.D),
- My hyperlinks were very good (Ms.D, Viktor, Gio, Davide, and Sophie),
- People also like that I had a picture for each one of the Simple Machines (Ms.D, Davide, Gio, Sophie, Viktor and Courtney),
- I covered the fuel rods and how they were used (Ms.D),
- I followed all the requirements on the rubric (Ms.D),
- My post was clear and easy to read (Sophie),
- I talked about everything we did in class (Courtney),
- The readers liked that I included the explosion in Japan (Tamara),
- I also gave a very accurate description of the class (Gio),
- I went pretty far with the science (Gio),
- I covered what we did in class (Gio),
- It was good that I at least gave a general background of who was working with who for the simple machines presentation (Davide),
- People also liked that I included the temperature at which the nuclear bars had to be put/ used.(Davide).
That was mostly it with the different comments and things that I did well or should have improved!
I like the idea of blogging because it keeps people up to date with what is happening, and if they had some problems, missed class or did not understand something that had happened they can always go to the blog and read a simpler explanation that contains the main events of that science class. I also like that we had to write less posts because one didn't feel as blocked and I thought it let people put more effort in the ones they did because there were less to have to do. Although I did not find it fair that some people were judged on the color that their blog was when it was actually the blogger program itself that didn't post the colors as the author had wanted to have them! Also the grammar check highlighted three quarters of the words even when they were really right! One last thing I didn't like was that, on my computer for example, the virus blocker wouldn't let me post the comment many times, and would (as Courtney said) erase everything because apparently the site contained a high risk of viruses.
Overall thought it is a good method to share ideas, learn more and discuss the events that happened in that particular science class!